得到大豬的資料,我想寫過呢一篇the longeest night version 1.1.
即是呢,我其實只係帶左幾本書俾阿日ga ja……之不過一講左好呀一齊食飯je,一踏上呢一架車,我無想過,構成了我的longest night. 一晚?坐車律可唔可以咁高呀?一晚一架車入面可唔可以再笑得再勁d呀?其實there're other longest nights ge... but a爆笑longest night就一定是呢一晚了。
IFC--> Wong Chuk Hang (Big Ju driving lesson)
--> Central (Gough Street for a few circles...tried to find somewhere eat but finally gave up)
--> forgot where in Central and western district
--> Chi Fu again (pick up B. Ju again, this is after her lesson la ha~)
--> Bonham Rd (Annie) --> Water Street (Hong) --> Gough St. (dinner)
-- > Water St. (picked up Gor) --> Cyberport
(the most dangerous part in the whole night. Gor practising driving. 開光 or 落地.)
--> CWB Times Square (try to find a place to park and then eat dessert but failed)
--> Happy Valley (eat dessert) --> Back Pok Fu Lam (B.Ju home)
--> Water St. (Gor home) --> Sheung Wan (YEAH~ my home)
Gor and Big Jus larn gags:
1. Ju用頭狂hum汽車後座右邊窗框6次。
(well, 5 times right hand side and a BIG one time on the left hand side. "BORNNN!!" sound effect at Cyber port.
2. 一條僻靜的街,車高速飛過,豬見到兩個人坐在路邊吃飯盒。
Jan:「見唔到喎」 大豬:「點解會坐o係度食飯呢?」
3. Ju asked me how's MV, 病完未,嚴唔嚴重。我答,瘧疾都嚴重o架。
Ju asked咁有乜病徵。
4. (thanks for ju's information.)
其實都仲有哥?爛gag o架,唔記得左……
p.s. 我經過左薄扶林道阿日口中所講好雀躍的機動遊戲位三次啦,一晚入面三次啦。不是不喜歡遊車河,但路線方面可以不重複得那麼厲害會更開心。
Anyways, thanks for the ride, yat~ (and thanks 豬, gor, hong and annie, good night.)